The Council
Company Size
Medium Size Enterprise
Trade Association
Washington DC, USA
The Council’s Business Needs

In the association space many organisations use monolithic systems, which are called Association Management Systems. What CIAB found when they were looking at moving to a new system was that many systems were trying to fulfil all areas of association business needs, which, as often is the case, created a situation that a single system couldn’t fulfil all requirements holistically at every level. In looking to re-evaluate their system choices, the CIAB decided to take their Association Management System needs and build it themselves into Salesforce.

In doing so, CIAB realised that there were different lines of their business that also needed to be moved to best of breed applications, such as CVENT, which is used for event management. CIAB elected to migrate data from the monolithic systems and compile this data into SalesForce as their central source, so that they could have one go-to platform. In turn, they then needed an easier way to perform key day to day functions in an integrated manner.

To this end, one of the large ETL platforms was implemented to facilitate this integrated approach. But CIAB found that the connectors that were available were for several solutions that weren’t pertinent to their needs, and were having difficulty in getting the performance out of the ETL solution for required integrations such as CVENT, INTACCT and several other data integrations . The incumbent solution was not as flexible as they needed it to be and came with an eye watering price tag.

With CIAB being a mid-sized business, this ETL solution hiked up costs and slowed down the business due to lengthy delivery cycles. The ETL platform could not keep pace with the integration requirements of CIAB, nor at a reasonable price.

The Solution

Synatic turned around a CVENT connector in a matter of days, instantly simplifying what had consumed weeks of expensive integration leg work to build workarounds. CVENT uses a SOAP architecture which Synatic could comfortably handle, thus allowing CIAB to manipulate the data they needed to, and seamlessly integrate their selected solutions.

Salesforce was rapidly coupled with CVENT for event registration and all relevant event information. This in turn has allowed CIAB to leverage the webhook functionality to make calls to the system in real time whenever they need data.

Furthermore, Synatic rapidly rolled out a connector to the Sage Intacct REST API, and similarly allowed for unrivalled speed in delivering a tight integration of SalesForce to Intacct.

They Delivered with Synatic